Funeral Program - Free Bi-Fold Brochure PSD Template - 10028967
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We know that creating a funeral brochure is definitely not what you want to do when you lose someone you love. Don't worry, you don't have to learn how different design tools work and read about how to make a funeral brochure - we have made it for you! The layout you see here is made in very tender colours. There is a light blue combined with white. The leaves around the picture of the deceased look appropriate. You can download our layout for free. We create this kind of content to make everyone's life easier.
PSD is set up in 3657х2631 dimension (8,6″ х 12″ with 0,25″ bleed). You can easily change texts, content, images, objects and color palette. The PSD file is very well organised, with color coded groups and layers named appropriately.
Free fonts used in design:
1) Salinas
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William Harris
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