Romantic Collection - Free CD Cover PSD Template - 10030367
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There are so many people who are fond of romantic music. They love listening to slow melodies in the evening with a glass of wine. Such songs can also be perfect for dancing. Just imagine a couple moving around a hall while your melodies are playing in the background. Isn't it beautiful? Here is a great template for your CD cover. With this marvelous picture of man and woman kissing you will show your potential buyers that this disc is exactly what they are looking for. The slightly pale colors we used for the design make it especially tender.
PSD is set up in 1500×1500 dimension (5″ х 5″ with 0,25″ bleed). You can easily change texts, content, images, objects, and color palette. The PSD file is very well organised, with color coded groups and layers named appropriately.
Free fonts used in design:
1) Candlescript
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Lily Perez
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